Natural Rooting Agents For An Organic Garden


Taking cuttings is a good natural way of creating new plants to propagate an organic garden, and natural rooting agents, also known as rooting hormones, can help this process. A natural rooting agent, applied in the correct manner, will enhance root development and will ensure further plant development. When using organic rooting agents, consideration should be given to their application methods to achieve the best results. Some rooting agents are mixed with water to create a water solution for cuttings, whilst other rooting agents are used to create a gel that is applied to the end of the stem cuttings before it is planted directly into the ground. Only cuttings, taken from healthy plants, should be used and the correct environmental conditions to encourage rooting should be prepared. All rooting agents must be applied to fresh cuttings, which can then be placed in a water solution or replanted directly into soil.

A list of some natural rooting agents

Willow Water: This natural root agent is used as a water solution for stem cuttings. Willow trees contain natural rooting hormones called auxins that promote root growth. Small branches of willow tree are cut and then soaked in water for up to 24 hours to create willow water. Stem cuttings are then placed in the willow water until new roots appear.  

Apple Cider Vinegar: This natural root agent is used as a water solution for stem cuttings. Diluted apple cider vinegar acts as a natural antiseptic. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar applied to a cup of water will create a good water solution for cuttings until new roots appear. 

Honey: This natural root agent is used as a gel for stem cuttings. The natural antibacterial properties of honey encourage root growth in most plants. Applying honey as a gel to the root area of stem cuttings before planting will help promote new root growth. 

Cinnamon: This natural root agent is used as a gel or as a water solution for stem cuttings. This spice has antifungal properties and can help prevent root rot. Applying cinnamon to the root area of stem cuttings before planting will help protect new root growth, whilst applying a tablespoon of cinnamon to a cup of water will create a good water solution for cuttings until new roots appear.  

Aloe Vera Gel: This natural root agent is used as a gel for stem cuttings. This plant’s nutrients will promote root growth and protect against diseases. Applying fresh aloe vera gel to the root area of stem cuttings before planting will help promote growth and protection for new roots.

Indian Gooseberry: This natural root agent is used as a gel or water solution for stem cuttings. The juice or powder from this fruit is used as a natural rooting agent due to its high levels of Vitamin C. Applying Indian gooseberry juice to the root area of stem cuttings before planting, will help promote growth for new roots. Applying a  tablespoon of Indian gooseberry powder to a cup of water will create a good water solution for cuttings until new roots appear.

Banana Peels: This natural root agent is used as a gel for stem cuttings. Rich in potassium and phosphorus, banana peels are used to nourish cuttings and promote healthy root development. Banana peels are blended with water and turned into a gel that is then applied to the root area of stem cuttings before planting. Alternatively, banana peels can be used to line a bed of soil that will sit just under the top soil and the stem cuttings. This will help promote growth for new roots.


Natural Rooting Agents For An Organic Garden
Natural Rooting Agents For An Organic Garden
Natural Rooting Agents For An Organic Garden

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