The Best Herbs To Plant In July


As the summer sun reaches its zenith in July, the opportunity for gardeners to cultivate a diverse array of herbs becomes particularly advantageous. This month not only permits the fruition of various herbs but also provides optimal growing conditions due to favourable temperatures and ample natural sunlight. Dill and parsley are among the most suitable herbs to grow during this month, but cultivating basil and cilantro should take centre stage during this month., with each herb lending themselves well to both culinary uses and horticultural ease. Their culinary versatility, ease of growth, and adaptability to warm temperatures of these herbs make them excellent choices for planting in July, allowing gardeners to not only contribute to their kitchens, but to also engage in the rewarding gardening experiences making them an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. With proper care, the resultant harvest will enhance both flavour and fragrance, enriching not only the garden, but also the culinary experience throughout the subsequent months.

The best herbs to plant during July

Basil: This herb is one of the most cherished herbs in the culinary world with its aromatic leaves enhancing a multitude of dishes. Planting this herb in July, extends the growing season, ensuring a robust harvest before the advent of autumn. July provides ideal conditions for this herb to thrive, but it needs regular watering, as well as full sunlight. 

Cilantro: This herb’s distinct flavour is integral to many cuisines, including several Mexican and Asian dishes and this versatile herb can be grown successfully in both warm and cooler climates, although it is particularly satisfying to plant it in midsummer for a late-season harvest. Planting cilantro in July allows gardeners to take advantage of the seeding cycle, offering fresh leaves for culinary use and seeds that can be later harvested as coriander.

The Best Herbs To Plant In July

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