10 Natural Hacks For An Organic Garden


These natural hacks will help create a thriving organic garden while being environmentally conscious!

10 natural hacks that will help maintain an organic garden 

Recycle Water: Collect rainwater in containers and use leftover cooking water to irrigate plants.

Create Biodegradable Planters: Using a knife, cut a toilet paper roll in two. Create four separate cuts a third of the way up the roll and then fold the bottom cut section in half as if closing a box. Fill with soil and then plant seeds accordingly.

Natural Composts: Kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells can be used to create nutrient-rich compost.

Natural Herbicides: Vinegar mixed with boiling water can be used to kill weeds.

Natural Mulch: Placing straw, wood chips, and grass clippings around plants will retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Natural Pest Deterrents: Natural essential oils, such as neem, garlic, peppermint, rosemary or insecticidal soap, can be mixed with water to create sprays that will naturally deter pests. 

Natural Fertilizers: Crushed eggshells will give the soil a calcium boost, whilst a mix of Epsom salt, baking soda, and water will create a good all-round natural fertilizer. 

Natural Fungicides: A small amount of cinnamon mixed into the soil will prevent diseases in seedlings.

Plant Companions: Utilise companion planting to deter pests and encourage growth by pairing plants that benefit each other.

Recycled Containers: Household items such as old containers or glass jars can be used as planters reducing waste whilst adding charm to the garden.


10 Natural Hacks For An Organic Garden
10 Natural Hacks For An Organic Garden

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